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OILUP 2023-02-02 15:58:39

      中国石化新闻网讯 据海湾新闻网报道,美国知名综合性石油和天然气公司墨菲石油公司(MUR)1月26日公布了截至2022年12月31日的第四季度财务和经营业绩,包括归属于墨菲石油公司的净利润1.99亿美元,或每股摊薄后净利润1.26美元。扣除已终止的业务和其他影响期间可比性的项目,墨菲石油公司去年的调整后净收入为1.73亿美元,或每股摊薄后净利润1.10美元。2022年全年,墨菲石油公司录得归属于墨菲公司的净利润为9.65亿美元,或每股摊薄后净利润6.13美元。墨菲石油公司报告的调整后净收入为8.81亿美元,即稀释后每股调整后净收入5.59美元,其中不包括停止经营的结果和其他影响期间可比性的项目。除非另有说明,本评论中讨论的财务和经营重点和指标不包括无代价项目(NCI)。


- 赎回2亿美元2025年到期的5.75%高级债券。

- 完成Khaleesi、Mormont、Samurai油田开发项目,7口井投产。


- 净收入9.65亿美元,持续经营业务获得净现金22亿美元。

- 从2022年第一季度到2022年第四季度,平均油气日产量为16.7万桶油当量(MBOEPD),其中石油产量同比增长29%。

李峻 编译自 海湾新闻网


Murphy Oil Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Results

Murphy Oil Corporation (MUR) announced its financial and operating results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2022, including net income attributable to Murphy of $199 million, or $1.26 net income per diluted share. Excluding discontinued operations and other items affecting comparability between periods, adjusted net income attributable to Murphy was $173 million, or $1.10 adjusted net income per diluted share.

For the full year 2022, the company recorded net income attributable to Murphy of $965 million, or $6.13 net income per diluted share. Murphy reported adjusted net income, which excludes both the results of discontinued operations and other items affecting comparability between periods, of $881 million, or $5.59 adjusted net income per diluted share.

Unless otherwise noted, the financial and operating highlights and metrics discussed in this commentary exclude noncontrolling interest (NCI).

Highlights for the fourth quarter include:

- Redeemed $200 million of 5.75 percent senior notes due 2025

- Completed the Khaleesi, Mormont, Samurai field development project with seven wells brought>Highlights for full year 2022 include:

- Generated net income of $965 million, with $2.2 billion of net cash provided by continuing operations

- Produced 167 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBOEPD) with 29 percent growth in oil volumes from first quarter 2022 to fourth quarter 2022

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